The Acolyte | Official Trailer

So what’s the big deal about “The Acolyte”? For casual fans, it’s simply a new Jedi adventure. But for Star Wars buffs, this Disney+ series will be the first live-action depiction of the High Republic. Set 100 years before the Skywalker saga began, it follows a young Jedi and her master as they uncover sinister forces brewing during a period of peace in the galaxy.

There’s speculation that the series baddie will be Darth Plagueis, who was referenced in the prequels as Emperor Palatine’s master. Amandla Stenberg (Bodies Bodies Bodies, The Hate U Give) stars alongside Lee Jung-jae (“Squid Game”), and showrunner Leslye Headland has said she developed the project specifically for Stenberg. Fans will be interested to see if Headland is able to infuse the Star Wars universe with some of the edginess she brought to “Russian Doll.”

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