Alita (2019)
“Alita: Battle Angel,” directed by Robert Rodriguez and produced by James Cameron, is a visually stunning film that premiered in 2019. Based on the manga “Gunnm” by Yukito Kishiro, the film presents a captivating blend of science fiction, action, and poignant storytelling. Set in a dystopian future where cybernetics dominate, “Alita” explores themes of identity, humanity, and the struggle for self-discovery in a world that often reduces individuals to their physical components.
The film opens in Iron City, a sprawling metropolis built beneath the floating city of Zalem. This striking visual setting is brought to life through groundbreaking CGI and production design, creating a vivid world filled with technological marvels and societal decay. Here, we meet Dr. Dyson Ido (Christoph Waltz), a compassionate cyberneticist who discovers the remnants of a discarded cyborg—a young girl named Alita (Rosa Salazar). Upon reawakening her, Ido becomes a father figure to Alita, guiding her through a world she knows nothing about.