Sisu (2022)
Sisu (2022) is an action, war, and epic thriller film directed by Jalmari Helander. The film is a tense and bloody atmosphere, set at the end of World War II, when a miner named Aatami (played by Jorma Tommaila) discovers a huge treasure of gold in the Finnish wilderness. However, when he is determined to bring this gold home, he faces a group of Nazi soldiers, led by a ruthless officer named Bruno (Jack Doolan), who are willing to do anything to take this gold.
The film features strong action sequences, including gunfights, hand-to-hand combat, and dramatic violence. Despite its simple plot, Sisu captivates viewers with its combination of intense action and fantasy elements, with the main character β Aatami β being an extremely resilient and unyielding warrior.
The film also incorporates psychological and revenge elements, with Aatami being a symbol of toughness and determination, who never gives up on her goals despite facing all challenges. In a very special way, Sisu creates a sense of suspense and tension from beginning to end, keeping the audience hooked to the main character’s dramatic moves.