Back in Action (2025) Jamie Foxx, Cameron Diaz | Official Trailer

“Back in Action” is a 2025 action-comedy film directed by Seth Gordon, marking Cameron Diaz’s return to acting after a decade-long hiatus. She stars alongside Jamie Foxx as Emily and Matt, former CIA agents who retired to start a family. Fifteen years later, they live a suburban life with their two children, Alice and Leo. Their peaceful existence is disrupted when their old colleague, Chuck (Kyle Chandler), betrays them, forcing the couple back into the world of espionage to protect their family.

The plot centers around a powerful key capable of controlling critical infrastructure, which Chuck aims to obtain for nefarious purposes. Emily and Matt utilize their dormant spy skills to thwart his plans, leading to a series of action-packed sequences. The climax features a confrontation where Emily and Matt manage to save their children and prevent Chuck from executing his scheme.

In the film’s conclusion, despite Chuck’s apparent demise, his body is not recovered, leaving room for ambiguity. Additionally, a new mission is hinted at involving Emily’s estranged father, setting the stage for a potential sequel. Director Seth Gordon has expressed interest in continuing the story, though an official sequel has yet to be confirmed.

“Back in Action” blends humor with thrilling action sequences, showcasing the chemistry between Diaz and Foxx, who have previously collaborated in films like “Any Given Sunday” and “Annie.” The film is available for streaming on Netflix.