Time Bandits (1981)

Time Bandits (1981) is a fantastical adventure film directed by Terry Gilliam. The story centers around a young boy named Kevin, who is unexpectedly swept into a journey through time by a group of six dwarfs. These dwarfs, who were once employees of the Supreme Being, have stolen a map that shows holes in the fabric of time, which they use to travel through various historical periods, stealing treasures along the way.

As Kevin and the dwarfs encounter famous historical figures such as Napoleon and Robin Hood, they also find themselves pursued by the Supreme Being and a sinister force known as Evil, who seeks the map for his own nefarious purposes. The film is known for its imaginative visuals, dark humor, and unique blend of fantasy and history, reflecting Gilliam’s distinct directorial style. Time Bandits has since become a cult classic, celebrated for its creativity and wit.

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